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    Anthony Blinken 結果共5筆

  • President Tsai thanks Morris Chang for attending APEC

    President Tsai Ing-wen expresses gratitude to Taiwan’s APEC delegation led by Morris Chang for conveying her four critical messages to all APEC member participants. Tsai emphasizes the government’s commitment to adjusting Taiwan’s industrial structure and leveraging its advantages for regional development. She thanks Chang for attending the economic and trade cooperation forum, enabling Taiwan to play a vital role internationally. Tsai highlights Chang’s conversations with foreign dignitaries, including U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, which will strengthen future bilateral cooperation. Chang reports that this year’s APEC economic leaders’ meeting covered technology-related topics and expresses gratitude for the opportunity to represent Taiwan at the conference.
    2023/11/22 19:46
  • 提前幫拜習會暖身? 路透:拜登27日見陸外長王毅

    準備動身前往華府訪問的大陸外長王毅,預定將與美國國務卿布林肯(Anthony Blinken)、白宮國安顧問蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)會面,《路透》(Reuters)還引述官員消息報導,拜登總統(Joe Biden)計畫在當地時間27日接見王毅,很可能為了提前替亞太經合會(APEC)期間的「拜習會」提前暖身,但對此傳聞,白宮方面拒絕回應。
    2023/10/26 10:55
  • 美軍機遭共機攔截 布林肯重申「例行任務」:盼雙方加強溝通

    2023/06/01 08:24
  • 美中會晤! 王毅要美謹慎對台、布林肯提「六不」回應

    美國國務卿布林肯(Anthony Blinken)和中國大陸外交部長王毅,9日在印尼峇里島召開的G20外長會議場邊舉行長達五小時的會談,兩人就關稅、貿易、人權、台灣和南海爭議等一系列議題進行磋商;布林肯向王毅表達美國對中國打壓及挑臖台灣深感關切,並表示不相信中國所稱在俄烏戰爭中保持中立;王毅則呼籲美方謹言慎行,「務必不要犯下葬送台海和平的顛覆性錯誤」,兩人會後均表示此次會談具有建設性,相信很快能促成美中最高領導人的會面。
    2022/07/10 10:39
  • 布林肯:盼維持穩定對俄關係 無意圍堵大陸

    美國國務卿布林肯(Anthony Blinken)今天表示,美國希望對俄羅斯維持比較穩定的關係,不過這高度取決於俄國決定好鬥到何種程度。
    2021/05/04 12:52
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